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Costas Supermarkidis,
The Greek savior of the disinherited, the disenfranchised and the enslaved, Costas Supermarkidis.
He set out to fight the crisis like Don Quixote. Against the crisis that is said to have greek origins, a crises of refugees, a COVID - 19 pandemic crises, whatever comes. Costas' cannot got under also if a earthquake might come...
But what exactly is it about, the failure of the economic system in the 21st century?
And has Costas Supermarkidis left his supermarket forever, or will he return? Maybe one day.
See the adventures of Greek superhero Costas Supermarkidis!
Costas Supermarkidis in Germany
Costas Supermarkidis in Germany
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35 Costas Supermarkidis - Rettung der EZB in Frankfurt - Teil 1 💰💰💰
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37 Costas Supermarkidis - Flaschensammler von Frankfurt Gerd 🍾🍾🍾
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38 Costas Supermarkidis - Mammon der Gott des Kapitalismus 💰💰💰
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